The data and evidence-based indicators to optimize your management practices and HR strategy

inpowr identifies the health and well-being indicators of your employees and allows you to monitor their evolution to better anticipate and manage risks for your organization

Business intelligence for organizational health and well-being

A self-management support tool for employees

Your employees have access to the inpowr self-management app, allowing them to precisely measure and become aware of their overall well-being in order to help them achieve better balance.

Real-time evidence-based indicators for the employer

inpowr’s collaborative platform and detailed monthly data reports enable your organization to better understand your employees’ reality and meet their health and well-being needs.

Impactful support for your organization

Our personalized monthly support offers detailed analysis and interpretation of your inpowr data, linking it to work-related psychosocial risk factors.

inpowr helps you comply with law 59 on psychosocial risk factors

As of January 2024, Quebec companies with 20 employees or more are required to identify, analyze and include psychosocial risk factors (PSRs) in their prevention programs to aid in the development of specific intervention plans (Bill 59 modernizing the occupational health and safety regime).

inpowr offers a unique preventive approach that helps your organization identify potential work-related psychosocial risks using actionable data and indicators that help reduce the incidence of quiet quitting, absenteeism and staff turnover. 

By working with you to track the evolution of these indicators over time, your inpowr consultant will help you analyze and interpret employee well-being data to better anticipate and control the impact of psychosocial risks to your company.

The net result, a healthier organization that complies with the new requirements of Bill 59 and more importantly, that better meets employee needs.

inpowr promotes shared responsibility between employees and employer

Employee leadership: your employees have access to a self-management app that’s carefully designed to help them achieve  greater balance in both their personal and professional lives by precisely measuring their state of well-being, guiding them through the exploration of potential solutions, referring them to the right resources, and tracking the impact their actions have on their overall well-being.

The application enables your employees

to measure their state of well-being;

to be guided in the exploration of solutions;

to be referred to the right resources for help and support; and

to evaluate the impact of their actions on their day-to-day well-being.

Management leadership: specific data and evidence-based information is collected daily to help you better understand your employees’ reality by tracking variations in their well-being on an ongoing basis, identifying the concerns that affect them in 30 specific areas of life, proposing more personalized help and support services, and gaining a clearer understanding of how change-management affects their well-being.

The inpowr platform enables your organization:

To obtain a continuous picture of the well-being of your employees;

To identify the concerns that affect them on 30 aspects of life;

To offer more personalized assistance and support services; and

To obtain a clearer view and insight into how managing change impacts your people.

We partner with leading groups to offer you a comprehensive, highly optimized solution

The inpowr self-management app empowers your employees to measure their state of well-being and explore a variety of guided solutions, including over 180 micro-training videos from Quebec’s top experts, provided by Lifespeak. These videos are an open invitation to help your employees find greater balance in their personal and professional lives, thereby promoting overall well-being. The goal: to help your employees find clear, actionable information that meets their needs, before they call you for help. 

LifeSpeak has 20+ years of experience working directly with Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, insurance providers and other organizations worldwide.

Discover the benefits here →

Relief is a renowned organization offering mental-health self-management support to people living with anxiety or mood disorders by offering a variety of compelling strategies to improve their quality of life and mental health.

inpowr integrates Relief’s individual coaching into its self-management app to help foster greater mental health among your employees. Thanks to Relief, inpowr users have access to a wide range of highly targeted mental-health resources, including direct access to Relief practitioners.

inpowr seamlessly integrates the methods developed by Groupe entreprises en santé to help your organization achieve up to three levels of Healthy Enterprise certification.

Through its certification, GES highlights the commitment and effort of organizations that promote employee health and well-being through a truly structured global approach. This type of recognition is a proud symbol of quality for employers, one that truly sets them apart.

Discover the benefits here →

Fight presenteeism

Promote healthy co-responsible management of presenteeism through the inpowr application and its collaborative platform.

Manage organizational change differently

Manage employee worries and concerns with regard to change in the workplace with inpowr’s real-time well-being.

Open dialogue

Listen to the concerns of your employees whether they are at the office or teleworking.

Build your Employer Brand

Build a solid Employer Brand and improve recruitment and retention by adopting a proactive and innovative solution focused on global well-being.

A continuous scientific process

The development of our tools is firmly rooted in the advancement of science. The measurement of well-being, as we have conceived it, is based on a scientific process that began several years ago and we always prioritize collaboration with different researchers and universities for the advancement and validation of our solutions.

Solution collaborators:

Research and development collaborators: