A comprehensive health and well-being approach combining technology and support

The integrated inpowr solution includes:

Self-management support via the mobile app

Your employees have access to a self-management app that’s carefully designed to measure and take control of their daily well-being in order to help them achieve greater balance in both their personal and professional lives. The app allows them to measure their well-being, come up with action plans, and get referral to the right resources and support from your EAP.

The mobile app includes:

Integration of your EAPs and other support resources offered to employees

180 video micro-trainings by top Lifespeak* experts on various health and well-being topics, integrated into the app

Access to individual support services and self-management workshops from Relief** directly through the app

*In addition to the 180 videos included in its basic offering, inpowr can integrate an additional range of LifeSpeak’s micro-training videos and total well-being solutions, including LIFT Fitness, a digital fitness and wellness platform, into its mobile app.

**Paid services, but fees are reimbursable by many insurers.

Real-time evidence-based health and well-being indicators

All employees have access to the dashboard allowing tracking of overall well-being variations in real time. This web platform displays anonymized data of well-being variations across 30 specific areas of life for the entire organization. More detailed monthly reports are also provided to the employer.

inpowr data includes: 

Tracking variations and changes in employees’ well-being over time, across 30 aspects of physical, mental, and social life.*

Description of the initiatives and actions taken by employees to improve their well-being.

Description of the initiatives and actions taken by employees to improve their well-being.

Initiatives and actions taken by employees to improve their well-being.

Identification of key trends in work-related psychosocial risks.

The link between well-being indicators and work-related psychosocial risk factors.

The usage of your EAP, mental-health and other resources integrated into the inpowr app. 

*Based on the World Health Organization (WHO) definition: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Support and consulting services: 

inpowr ensures the success of your participative health and well-being initiative by supporting you at every stage of the implementation: from integrating inpowr into your organizational reality, to fostering engagement and providing detailed monthly analysis and interpretation of your inpowr data.

Support and monthly reports include: 

Implementation that includes a design thinking session with management and the health and well-being committee to understand the organizational context and facilitate the integration of inpowr, setting relevant performance objectives and indicators, and communications mapping.

Information and training sessions for managers and the well-being committee.

A communication guide including strategies and templates for inpowr implementation.

Personalized support based on The Healthy Enterprises Group’s integrated approach, helping organizations to achieve Health Enterprise Recognition at levels 1, 2, or 3.*

The detailed interpretation of your inpowr data, linking it to work-related psychosocial risk factors.

*Level 3 support may incur additional costs.