Serge Jeudy
Associate researcher
Serge Jeudy, Master Olympic Coach, is the man behind inpowr’s origin. The core of inpowr’s solution and concept is based on the metacognitive process and other significant findings in his research, including five hypotheses and 26 sub-hypotheses developed in his Master’s thesis. His research led him to conclude that any activity done with passion brings balance and stability to the physical, mental and social areas of one’s life. Serge is a relentlessly curious thinker, innovator and creative whose research laid the foundations for inpowr.
Although presently retired, Serge’s inquisitive mind is still hungry for knowledge. Fascinated by mechanics and electricity, as well as plumbing, he has applied this knowledge towards the construction of his solar home. Candid and audacious, with a zest for life and sports, as well as research and teaching, Serge never runs out of steam. His quest for full potential continues.
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Associate researchers
Joël Gagnon
Associate researcher
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Dr. Estelle Morin
Associate researcher
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